Arizona Tax Payment Instructions

Taxpayers have two options for paying their individual or business Arizona tax payment: online or by mail. Taxpayers who submit their returns online have the option to request a direct debit (electronic money withdrawal) from a checking or savings account. They will also have the option to pay with a major credit card or debit card.

Address to Mail Arizona Tax Payment

Individuals can also mail the payment, along with the top portion of the billing notice, to the address provided. Taxpayers who have not received a billing notice can mail payments to:

Arizona Dept. of Revenue
PO Box 52016
Phoenix, AZ 85038-9085

Individuals and small businesses can make payments online at if they have already filed a tax return. You can make a payment using major credit cards, debit cards and e-checks.

Step-By-Step Guide to Make Arizona Tax Payment

Step 1:
Go to (website linked above)

Step 2:
Click on “Make an Individual/Small Business Income Payment” under quick links. After that you will need to click that you agree to terms and conditions and submit payment.

Step 3: 
Select the applicable field for “payment is for.”

  • For 2024 Balance Due Payments, due on 4/15/2025- under “Payment Types” choose “140V: Individual Payment Voucher” and select filing status that was used with your 2023 tax return filing.

  • For 2024 Extension Payments, due on 4/15/2025- under “Payment Types” choose “204: Individual Extension Payment” and select filing status that was used with your 2023 tax return filing.

  • For 2025 Estimated Tax Payments- under “Payment Types” choose “140ES: Individual Estimated Payment” and select filing status that was used with your 2023 tax return filing.

Step 4: 
Complete the required fields annotated with a red asterisk and click “Continue”.

Step 5: 
Select payment method, amount, settlement date and check box if applicable.

Step 6:
Click “Continue”.

  • For echeck: Fill in your routing number, account number and account type.

  • For credit card: Accept the conditions and click “Continue”.

  • Fill in your credit card type, card number, expiration date and signature panel code.

Step 7:
Click “Continue” and receive confirmation. You will then be allowed to print your receipt. We recommend you do so for your records.